Rent an item for the period you prefer! Decide only at the end of the rental if you want to return the item or keep it forever by paying the difference between the retail price and what you have already paid.
Become a member to access an ever-changing selection of designer clothing, accessories, and more from 29€/month.
Swap once a month, keep the items longer or buy them for a discounted price!
No long-term commitments, pause or cancel your subscription at any moment.

Get up to 3 items/month
Incl. clothes and accessories
Dry-cleaner included
Total value 800€

Get up to 5 items/month
Incl. clothes and accessories
Dry-cleaner included
Total value 2 000€

Hello, I am Floriane. French girl. Expat in Berlin. And Fashion lover!
I have decided to launch Codressing in 2020 to bring more circularity in fashion and optimize the use of each item.